

 a day in my life Hello everyone, my name is Nisa Cherani Sutansi, I will tell you about my daily life when I go to Kerawang to my cousin's house. I went to Kerwang by train and there when I arrived I was invited to pick up my cousin, her name is Alifah Indriani at her school then she invited me to go to Sumarecon mall with her family, after arriving we immediately ate, then went for a walk. and before going home we bought some cakes,  I can't believe time passed so fast and I had to go back to my house and get back on the train, I was very happy to be able to go to Kerawang and meet my cousin and his family, they were very kind to me. photo with my cousin, Alifah indriani vlog a day in my life Learning video about parts of a computer parts of computer


This is a photo with AR and video of dinosaurs. As we know, dinosaurs are a group of ancient animals or reptiles from the Dinosauria clade. Dinosaurs first appeared in the Triassic period, around 245 and 233.23 million years ago, and were the dominant vertebrates for 135 million years, starting from the Jurassic period (around 201 million years ago) until the end of the Cretaceous period (65 million years ago) and then disappeared due to the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event before the Mesozoic Era. photo with ar Instagram of the informatics study program class